The storyline tells of how 42-year-old Teresa changes her holiday plans and spends the summer with hThe storyline tells of how 42-year-old Teresa changes her holiday plans and spends the summer with her mother, Ani. However, living together day and night after so many years is not easy for either of them. Used to living alone, it’s hard for them to agree on even the most trivial of things. Nevertheless, this enforced cohabitation will also bring certain revelations for both of them.详情
妮娜·杜波夫,欧阳万成,达伦·巴内特,洛奇林·莫罗,岑勇康,米凯拉·霍沃,丽贝卡·斯塔巴,马蒂·芬诺乔,詹姆斯·斋藤,C.恩斯特·哈斯,贾斯汀·沃林顿,肖恩·德伯纳,塔卡尤·费舍尔,迪恩·彼得里夫,帕特里克·罗卡斯,梅尔·塔克,Alexandra Lainfiesta,Andy Nez,Darien Martin
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