This production of 'Twelve Angry Men', written especially for Studio One, is shorter than thThis production of 'Twelve Angry Men', written especially for Studio One, is shorter than the film version and leaves a few twists and turns of plot undeveloped, but it is fifty minutes of class nevertheless. For many years this episode was thought to have been lost. The Museum of Television and Radio (now the Paley Center) had only the first 30 minutes of the hour-long program on a kinescope provided by CBS - the only version CBS had. After nearly 30 years of searching, a copy of the complete program was found in 2003 by filmmaker Joseph Consentino, who was working on a documentary about noted defense attorney Robert Leibowitz (Leibowitz reported on the Charles A. Lindbergh baby kidnapping for the NY radio station WHN) and found a copy of the show in the archives maintained by the children of Leibowitz, Robert Leibowitz and Marjorie Leibowitz Finch. Samuel Leibowitz requested and received a commercial-free kinescope copy of "Twelve Angry Men" from CBS shortly after it aired because of his interest in legal issues. The Leibowitz children donated the kinescope to the museum and it had a re-premiere in May 2003.详情
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